Friday, July 22, 2016

How To Illuminate Your Home

Lighting is one of the most significant aspects of your home. Not only does it enhance the overall visibility, proper lighting has the power to boost the appeal and ambiance of any space.
Therefore, it is critical to choose lighting fixtures that represent your personal style and can add character to your home. Here are some simple tips to help you pick the best lighting for you and your family:


ü  Determine your lighting goals 
ü  Add warm, relaxing lights to create the perfect bedroom ambiance 
ü  Chandeliers: A blend of luxury and style 
ü  Multiple lighting sources for your kitchen 
ü  Give your bathroom an instant glow 
üOutdoor lighting for safety and security 

Determine your lighting goals

First and foremost, assess your lighting objectives. Take a look at your current lighting setup. Since different spaces require different types of lights, figure out the primary purpose of each space.
Is visibility your goal? Are you looking for cost-effective lights? Or, perhaps you want to enhance ambience. Once you determine your lighting needs, you should establish a budget. Be sure to set a realistic budget and stick to it.
You can choose from an array of contemporary decorative and architectural lighting products, such as LED lights, chandeliers, wall scones, ceiling walls, and more.

Add warm, relaxing lights to create the perfect bedroom ambiance

Your bedroom is your personal sanctuary. It is also a reflection of your lifestyle and personality. Modern lighting fixtures, such as pendants, scones, ceiling lights and floor lamps, can give a face-lift to your bedroom, without spending a fortune.
Wall scones and pendant lights, in particular, offer a clean and sleek look to bedrooms. They are a simple and stylish lighting option. You can install them at your bedside table instead of table lamps. 
Ceiling lights radiate a soft glow, while floor lamps add a dramatic appeal to bedrooms and are practical. Instead of investing in too many overhead lighting fixtures, use few floor lamps to make a style statement.
Whatever light source you choose, make sure it’s warm and relaxing in order to create the perfect feel.

Multiple lighting sources for your kitchen

Unlike other rooms, there’s no single focal point in a kitchen. Therefore, install multiple lighting fixtures. For basic tasks, overhead lights work well. But, you will need to invest in extra light sources for additional areas, such as the bar or kitchen island. You can opt for modern pendant lights and spotlights for these areas. Try to have more than one pendant light, hanging from the ceiling.

Chandeliers: A blend of luxury and style

For dining or living room, designerchandeliers are a fantastic option. Modern chandeliers add elegance and sophistication to living and dining rooms. However, less is more; don’t fill up your space with too many chandeliers.
A single classy piece can serve as the focal point of your room. Install a large sized chandelier in the center of the living room or above the dining table. Choose a low-hanging chandelier for the dining table. Moreover, the chandelier should complement the overall décor of your room. Also, remember to measure your room before buying a chandelier.

Give your bathroom an instant glow

Task lighting is imperative for the bathroom. You can install wall scones beside the bathroom mirror to carry out everyday functions easily. Also, install them near face height for maximum illumination. 
If your bathroom features paintings or art pieces, accent lighting or recessed lighting are effective sources to showcase them.

Outdoor lighting for safety and security

Don’t forget exterior lighting. Illuminate your exterior space wisely to ensure safety and security, as well as enhance your property’s architectural features.
Light up your entrance, yard, pathways and other areas of your property.  Ambient lighting is perfect for outdoor areas. It is neither too dim, nor too bright.
In other words, ambient lighting provides a comfortable level of illumination.  If you’re looking for efficient energy sources, consider LED lights.


After figuring out your lighting goals and needs, choose a reputable supplier and invest in high quality contemporary lighting products.
Interior Deluxe is a leading provider of modern, luxury lighting products from over 12,000 designers and brands. The company provides an unlimited selection of decorative, architectural and accent lights to suit your distinct needs.
Interior Deluxe’s product range includes, but is not limited to, designer chandeliers, wall scones, ceiling lights, and much more. Search the best light fixtures for every room in your home. 

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Kitchen Lighting 101: What You Need To Know

They say the kitchen is the heart of the home. That’s why it’s crucial to have a proper lighting plan.  A well-lit kitchen affects the functionality and safety of the space. Moreover, it enhances the room’s aesthetic appeal.

Here is how you can get your kitchen lighting right: 
  ü  Consider the function of the kitchen
  ü  Consider the overall composition of the kitchen
  ü  Types of lighting
  ü  Lighting tips to draw the attention towards your kitchen

Consider the function of the kitchen

First off, assess the purpose of the kitchen. Is it just used for cooking? Do you entertain guests in your kitchen as well?
Analyze the activities that take place here. Thereafter, choose light sources for each area accordingly.

Consider the overall composition of the kitchen

Take a look at each element in your kitchen. This includes everything, from the cabinets to countertops. Select fixtures that complement the overall layout of your space. It’s a good idea to use contemporary lighting fixtures to make a visual impact.

Types of lighting

In general, you should consider three main types of lighting for your kitchen:

Task lighting highlights specific work spaces. It’s an illumination source for specific functions and tasks. You can use task lighting for the stove, countertops, cabinets, etc. This type of lighting is stronger than other types. Some sources include focus lights and spot lights.

Accent lighting is used to highlight special features of a space, such as artwork. It creates a visual interest by giving your kitchen an instant glow. Modern recessed lighting fixtures are a great example of accent lighting.

Decorative lighting includes wall scones and chandeliers. The main purpose of decorative lighting is to add to the curb appeal of a kitchen.

Lighting tips to draw attention towards your kitchen: 
 ·        Determine the exact location of counters to ensure the right placement of fixtures.
 ·        For cooking, use a powerful lighting source to have adequate light. Multiple light sources are your best bet.
 ·        If you have a multi-purpose cooking, consider multiple lighting sources.
 ·        Think outside the box. For example, you can use recessed lighting or LEDs to light up a kitchen island. You don’t always to use pendants.
 ·        In case you prefer pendants over the island, place one statement piece or two to three pendants to make a statement.
 ·        Install high quality recessed fixtures to emphasize paintings, family photos and art pieces in your kitchen.
 ·        Place task lighting directly over prep and cooking areas to ensure adequate light.
 ·        Rather than placing fixtures from ceiling, you can place LEDs under the cabinets to radiate a glow from the backsplash.


Follow the abovementioned tips to develop an effective kitchen lighting plan. Shop for modern kitchen lighting fixtures from an array of brands with Interior Deluxe. Specializing in high-end lighting solutions, Interior Deluxe offers a stunning collection of designer fixtures at amazing prices.